Tourist Places in Kaithal

Tourist Places in Kaithal

1. Vidkyar Teerth(Vriddh Kedaar)& Anjani Teela: 

Vaman Purana says : "Kapisthaleti vikhyatam sarvapatakanashanam yasmina sthitaha swayam devovridha kedara samgjijitaha" (2) (The destroyer of all devililsh deeds, famous Kapisthala sanctum is here because Lord Vridhakedara himself resides.) It must be understood that Vridhakedara sanctum has become Vidkyara on the basis of philological principle of "mukhasukha" (easy to speak). 

2.Hanumaan Mandir: Situated in Heart of the city

3.Topiyon Wala Gurudwara: 

Situated in the middle of the city, This is only temple/gurudwara where Shri Guru Granth Saheb & Ramaayan are recited together. A unique combination of Hiduism & Sikhism. 

4. Geeta Bhawan Mandir 

5. Tomb of Razia Sultan : 

Situated in the north-western suburbs of the city. Near this place a jail has been erected by the present administration.